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    BSTR url,
    BSTR name,
    BSTR features,
    VARIANT_BOOL replace,
    IHTMLWindow2 **pomWindowResult

Opens a new Web browser window.

String specifying the URL of the document to display in the new window.
String specifying the name of the new window.
String specifying the ornaments to add to the new window. This parameter is a list of items separated by semicolons. Each item consists of an option and a value, separated by a colon (for example, "fullscreen:yes;toolbar:yes"). The following table lists the supported options.

Attribute    Values    Description   
fullscreen    yes/no/1/0    Browser displays in full-screen (true) or normal window (false) mode.
toolbar yes/no/1/0 Browser toolbar (Back and Forward buttons, and so on)
location yes/no/1/0 Input field for entering URLs directly into the browser.
directories yes/no/1/0 Directory buttons.
status yes/no/1/0 Status line at bottom of window.
menubar yes/no/1/0 Menu bar.
scrollbars yes/no/1/0 Horizontal and vertical scroll bars are enabled.
resizable yes/no/1/0 Do resize handles appear at the edge.
width pixel Width of window; defaults to pixels.
height pixel Height of window; defaults to pixels.
top pixel Top position, in pixels, in relation to the desktop.
left pixel Left position, in pixels, in relation to the desktop.

Replace history flag. If TRUE, the URL that is loaded into the new page replaces the current entry in the window's browsing history. If FALSE, a new entry is created in the window's browsing history.
Address of a variable that receives an interface pointer to the new window object.

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