The Web Publishing APIThe Web Publishing API*
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The Web Publishing API

The Web Publishing API consists of the following methods.
Method Description
WpBindToSite Obtains a pointer to a service provider object supporting either the IWPSite interface or the IWPProvider interface.
WpCreateSite Creates a new site entry in the registry.
WpCreateSiteEx Creates a new site entry in the registry, using a user name and password.
WpDeleteSite Deletes the information for a site from the registry.
WpDoesSiteExist Determines whether or not the specified site exists.
WpEnumProviders Enumerates the currently installed service providers.
WpGetErrorString Translates an error code.
WpListSites Lists the sites for which there is currently information in the registry.
WpPost Posts one or more files or directories to the specified site.
WpPostEx Posts one or more files or directories to the specified site, using a user name and password.
WpPostFile Posts one file or directory to the specified site.

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