Microsoft AgentMicrosoft Agent*
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Error Codes

ActiveX™ Technology for Interactive Software Agents


August 1997
Microsoft Corporation

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Microsoft Agent returns the following error information:

Error Number Hex Value Description
-2147213310 0x80042002 Invalid character ID.

The specified ID may be misspelled or not yet defined.

-2147213309 0x80042003 Animation not supported.

Please verify that the animation name is correct.

-2147213308 0x80042004 No animation for this state.

Please verify that an animation has been assigned to this state.

-2147213307 0x80042005 Sound file not found.

Please verify that the path and filename are correct.

-2147213306 0x80042006 Command name not found.
Please verify that the command name you specified is correct.
-2147213305 0x80042007 Command name already in use.

The specified command name has already been defined.

-2147213302 0x8004200A Character is hidden.

The method failed because the character is hidden.

-2147213301 0x8004200B Character already loaded.

Please check for previous Load method calls.

-2147213300 0x8004200C Invalid balloon access.

There was an attempt to access the word balloon, but the character does not support a word balloon.

-2147213299 0x8004200D Invalid Commands Window access.

Display of the Commands Window requires speech recognition support and the speech recognition engine has been disabled or is not installed.

-2147213298 0x8004200E Invalid Get method Type parameter.

Please verify that the type you specified is supported and spelled correctly.

-2147213296 0x80042010 MoveTo method failed.

A character cannot be moved while it is being dragged.

-2147213054 0x80042102 Request object not found.

The Request object no longer exists in the character's animation queue.

-2147213053 0x80042103 Invalid use of the Stop method.

A character cannot stop another character.

Try the Interrupt method.

-2147213052 0x80042104 Invalid use of the Interrupt method.

A character cannot interrupt itself.

-2147213051 0x80042105 Invalid use of the Wait method.

A character cannot wait for its own requests to complete.

-2147213050 0x80042106 Invalid bookmark.

Please make sure that the bookmark specified is not reserved by Microsoft Agent.

-2147213049 0x80042107 Microsoft Agent suspended.

Right-click the Microsoft Agent taskbar icon and choose Restart Microsoft Agent.

-2147213048 0x80042108 Request object removed.

The specified Request object was removed from the character queue.

-2147213047 0x80042109 Interrupted by Repeat Last Statement.

The method request was interrupted because Repeat Last Statement was chosen.

-2147213046 0x8004210A Interrupted by Listening key.

The method request was interrupted because the Listening key was pressed.

-2147213045 0x8004210B Interrupted by spoken input.

The method request was interrupted because of spoken input.

-2147213044 0x8004210C Interrupted by application.

The application interrupted the character's animation queue.

-2147213043 0x8004210D Interrupted by hiding.

The method request was interrupted because the character was hidden.

-2147212799 0x80042201 Unable to initialize data provider.

The Microsoft Agent Data Provider was not properly initialized.

-2147212798 0x80042202 Character data out of date.

The specified character file version is not supported by the installed version of Microsoft Agent.

You need to update the character.

-2147212797 0x80042203 Invalid version.

The version of Microsoft Agent installed is older than the specified character file.

Please verify that you have the correct version of Microsoft Agent installed.

-2147212796 0x80042204 Invalid character file.

The specified file is not a Microsoft Agent character file.

Please verify that the filename is correct.

-2147212795 0x80042205 Invalid character ID.

The specified ID may be misspelled or not yet defined.

-2147212794 0x80042206 Invalid sound file.

The specified file is not a valid sound (.WAV) file.

-2147212793 0x80042207 Corrupt sound file.

The specified sound file does not have correct data.

-2147212792 0x80042208 Multimedia access failure.

There was a problem accessing the system's multimedia component.

-2147212791 0x80042209 Protocol failure.

The URL protocol you specified is not supported by Microsoft Agent.

-2147212543 0x80042301 Audio device failure.

There was a problem accessing the audio device.

Please verify that your sound card and drivers are correctly installed.

-2147212542 0x80042302 No installed speech engine.

Microsoft Agent could not find a compatible speech recognition engine.

-2147212541 0x80042303 Speech input failure.

The speech recognition engine failed to initialize.

Please verify that the speech recognition engine is correctly installed.

-2147212540 0x80042304 Invalid Commands object.

There is a problem in the specified Commands object definition.

-2147212539 0x80042305 Missing right parenthesis.

The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a right parenthesis to specify an alternative.

-2147212538 0x80042306 Missing right square bracket.

The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a right square bracket to specify an option.

-2147212537 0x80042307 Missing left parenthesis.

The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a left parenthesis for specifying an alternative.

-2147212536 0x80042308 Missing left square bracket.

The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a left square bracket to specify an option.

-2147212535 0x80042309 Missing parentheses.

The text for the Voice property of a command is missing surrounding parentheses to specify alternatives.

-2147212534 0x8004230A Speech input mode access failure.

There was a problem accessing the speech recognition mode.

Please verify that the speech engine is correctly installed.

-2147212533 0x8004230B Invalid speech input mode.

The specified speech recognition input mode could not be found.

Please verify that the mode ID is correct.

-2147212532 0x8004230C Speech disabled.

The user has disabled speech recognition. The speech input object's properties are not available.

-2147212287 0x80042401 Audio device failure.

There was a problem accessing the audio device.

Please verify that your sound card and drivers are correctly installed.

-2147212286 0x80042402 Text-to-speech (TTS) failure.

There was a problem initializing the text-to-speech engine.

-2147212285 0x80042403 TTS failure.

There was a problem initializing the text-to-speech engine.

-2147212284 0x80042404 TTS failure.

There was a problem initializing the text-to-speech engine.

-2147212283 0x80042405 TTS failure.

There was a problem initializing the text-to-speech engine.

-2147212282 0x80042406 Lip-sync failure.

There was a problem in the Microsoft Agent lip-sync component.

-2147212281 0x80042407 Lip-sync failure.

There was a problem in the Microsoft Agent lip-sync component.

-2147212280 0x80042408 Lip sync failure.

There was a problem in the Microsoft Agent lip-sync component.

-2147212030 0x80042502 Unable to initialize Microsoft Agent.

Make sure that Microsoft Agent is properly installed.

-2147212029 0x80042503 Speech-input language access failure.

There was a problem accessing the language of the speech recognition engine.

-2147024894 0x80070001 The system cannot find the specified file.
-2147024883 0x8007000C The data is invalid.
-2146697214 0x800C0002 Invalid URL.

Please verify that the specified URL exists and is correct.

-2146697212 0x800C0004 Server access failure.

The attempt to connect with the server failed.

Please verify that the server is running and available.

-2146697210 0x800C0006 File not found.

The file could not be found at the specified URL.

Please make sure the URL is correct.

-2146697205 0x800C000B Server connection time-out.

The connection to the server timed out.

Please verify that the server is running and available.

-2146697202 0x800C000E Server security access failure.

There was a security problem when accessing the server.

-2147213297 0x8004200F Invalid animation.

The specified animation may be damaged or has no frames.

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