Microsoft Remote Data ServiceMicrosoft Remote Data Service*
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Appendix B: Tested Data-Aware ActiveX Controls

The following table lists the data-aware controls that have been tested to work with the RDS.DataControl object and associated client-side components of the Remote Data Service framework. Other controls may also work with Remote Data Service, but they have not been tested.
Control nameFile nameClass ID (CLSID)
SSDBGridSSDATB32.ocx (Sheridan)AC05DC80-7DF1-11d0-839E-00A024A94B3A

With Internet Explorer 4.0, you can bind to data by using HTML controls and ActiveX™ controls only if they are marked as apartment model controls.

The controls listed are not distributed with Remote Data Service, but may be purchased as part of Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Enterprise Edition or from Sheridan Systems, Inc.

Important You may not redistribute the ActiveX controls that are deployed as a part of Remote Data Service samples in any way. They are provided as part of the sample applications and may not be redistributed to other parties under any circumstances.

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