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Running the Address Book SQL Script
You must use either the ISQL command-line utility or the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to run an SQL script that:
- Creates a new database, AddrBookDB, on the default device.
- Connects to the correct database (AddrBookDB; if you rename your database, make sure you change the Database Name in the ODBC connection DSN setup).
- Creates an Employee table.
- Populates the table with sample data.
- Runs a simple SELECT statement to verify the population of the database table.
- Sets up a user account called "ADCDemo" with a password of "ADCDemo."
You must run the supplied SQL script file (Sampleemp.sql) to create and populate the Employee table. By default, the Employee table is created in a newly created database, AddrBookDB, on the local SQL server.
To run the Sampleemp.sql script
- Click Start, point to Programs, then point to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. Click SQL Enterprise Manager.
- From the Tools menu choose SQL Query Tool.
- Click the Load SQL Script button (the open folder on the toolbar) and browse to Program Files\Common Files\System\MSADC\Samples\AddressBook.
- Choose the file sampleemp.sql. Click Open. Click the Execute Query button (the green arrow on the tool bar.
- After it executes close the Query and Enterprise Manager windows.
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