Notice:This is preliminary documentation for technology that will be supported in future releases of Microsoft Windows.
The LS_MSG_DIGEST structure is passed in the LS_CHALLDATA structure. The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm from RSA Data Security, Inc., computes the LS_MSG_DIGEST structure by using the following elements as input: the input and output parameters to the LSRequest or LSUpdate license service functions; a random number; the index of an application secret; and the actual application secret.
typedef struct _LS_MSG_DIGEST {
LS_STR MessageDigest[16];
Windows NT: Requires version 3.51 or later.
Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in lsapi.h.
License Service Application Programming Interface Overview, LSAPI Structures, LS_CHALLDATA, LS_CHALLENGE