Logging Off

The ExitWindows function logs off the current user. All applications must agree to terminate before the user logs off. If any application returns FALSE when it processes the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message, the user is not logged off. If your application handles the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message, you can allow the user to cancel the log-off operation, even if another application or the system originated the end-session request.

The following example logs off the current user, unless the user clicks the No button in the message box displayed when the application receives the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message.

// Log off the current user. 

ExitWindows(0, 0); 

// Process the message in the application's window procedure. 

    int r; 
    r = MessageBox(NULL, "Shut down?","WM_QUERYENDSESSION", MB_YESNO); 
    // Return TRUE to allow shutdown, FALSE to stop. 
    return r == IDYES; 