The HW_PROFILE_INFO structure contains information about a hardware profile. The GetCurrentHwProfile function uses this structure to retrieve the current hardware profile for the local computer.

typedef struct tagHW_PROFILE_INFO {
    DWORD           dwDockInfo;
    TCHAR           szHwProfileGuid[HW_PROFILE_GUIDLEN];
    TCHAR           szHwProfileName[MAX_PROFILE_LEN];


A set of bit flags that indicate the docking state of the computer. This member can be a combination of the following values.
Value Meaning
DOCKINFO_DOCKED The computer is docked. This flag is always set for desktop systems that cannot be undocked.
DOCKINFO_UNDOCKED The computer is undocked. This flag is always set for desktop systems that cannot be undocked.
DOCKINFO_USER_SUPPLIED If this flag is set, GetCurrentHwProfile retrieved the current docking state from information provided by the user in the Hardware Profiles page of the System control panel application.

Currently, Windows NT and Windows 95 are not able to detect the docking state. Consequently, this flag is always set.

DOCKINFO_USER_DOCKED The computer is docked, according to information provided by the user. This value is a combination of the DOCKINFO_USER_SUPPLIED and DOCKINFO_DOCKED flags.
DOCKINFO_USER_UNDOCKED The computer is undocked, according to information provided by the user. This value is a combination of the DOCKINFO_USER_SUPPLIED and DOCKINFO_UNDOCKED flags.

A null-terminated string that contains the globally unique identifier (GUID) string for the current hardware profile. The string returned by GetCurrentHwProfile encloses the GUID in curly braces "{}" and includes a null-terminator; for example:


You can use this string as a registry subkey under your application's configuration settings key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This enables you to store settings for each hardware profile.

A null-terminated string that contains the display name for the current hardware profile.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 OSR2 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winbase.h.
  Unicode: Defined as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

System Information Overview, System Information Structures, GetCurrentHwProfile