[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Outgoing interface. This interface is registered with an Address object to get all information about calls on that address. An application must have called the RegisterCallTypes method on the Address object before registering this interface. If not, the call to Advise will fail. This interface cannot be unregistered — Unadvise will always fail.
IUnknown Methods | Description |
QueryInterface | Returns pointers to supported interfaces. |
AddRef | Increments the reference count. |
Release | Decrements the reference count. |
IDispatch Methods | Description |
GetTypeInfoCount | Retrieves the number of type information interfaces. |
GetTypeInfo | Retrieves the type information for an object. |
GetIDsOfNames | Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer DISPIDs. |
Invoke | Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object. |
ITCallNotification Methods | Description |
CallEventNotification | Get information on calls for an address. |