IRTPDemuxFilter ::SetPinTypeInfo

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This method is used to configure the payload type accepted and the minor media type exposed by a particular output pin of the RTP Demux filter. The major type for all output pins of the RTP Demux filter is always defined to be RTP_Single_Stream. This method may only be called on pins which are currently not connected.

HRESULT SetPinTypeInfo(
  IPin *pIPin,
  GUID gMinorType


The pin to change the subtype of.
Expected payload type for this pin.
Minor type to assign to indicated pin. The minor type must be a legal value matching one of the entries on the list of valid DirectShow RTP minor types, or GUID_NULL if bPT contains the value of a well known RTP PT specification.

Return Values

The pin indicated by pIPin does not exist or is not an output pin.
The pin indicated by pIPin is currently connected. (Pins must not be connected for their media type to be changed.)
The payload type indicated by bPT is not within the legal range of RTP payload types, which is 0 - 127. If gMinorType is passed in as MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL, then this result code will occur if bPT is any PT value which does not have a static payload type value assigned to it.
The minor type and the expected payload type for the indicated pin is successfully set.