
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This interface is used to initialize and control the Intel RTP Demux filter. It includes methods to control the mapping of SSRCs to pins and to set pin media types. This interface is implemented by the RTP Demux filter, and must be used by the application for both filter setup (pre-connection to other filters) and dynamic control.

See RTP Demux Filter for more detailed information on the function of this filter.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.

IRTPDemuxFilter Methods Description
EnumSSRCs Returns an SSRC enumerator.
GetPinInfo Returns all the information available for a particular output pin.
GetSSRCInfo Retrieves information about a particular SSRC.
MapSSRCToPin Configures the SSRC that will be delivered on a particular pin.
SetPinCount Configures how many output pins will be exposed by the RTP Demux filter.
SetPinTypeInfo Configures the payload type accepted and the minor media type exposed by a particular output pin of the RTP Demux filter.
SetPinMode Activates automatic mapping for a pin.
SetPinSourceTimeout Sets the amount of time that must pass before a stream associated with a particular pin will be unmapped.
UnmapPin Unmaps any stream that is currently mapped to a particular pin.
UnmapSSRC Unmaps a particular SSRC from the pin it is being delivered on.