IRTPDemuxFilter ::SetPinSourceTimeout

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This method is used to set the amount of time that must pass before a stream associated with a particular pin will be unmapped. This method may be called for any output pin of the RTP Demux filter at any time.

HRESULT SetPinSourceTimeout(
  IPin *pIPin,
  DWORD dwMilliseconds


Pointer to the IPin interface of an output pin of this filter.
The amount of time, in milliseconds allowed to elapse after the last RTP packet from a particular source has been delivered through this pin before the source is unmapped. A value of INFINITE, as defined in WINBASE.H, means that a particular stream will remain mapped to a pin until either the pin is destroyed, the stream PT value changes, or the application manually changes the stream association. This value must be at least 100 milliseconds. The clock mechanisms available in Windows® have too much jitter to make finer granularity timeouts feasible.

Return Values

The pin indicated by pIPin does not exist or is not an output pin.
Successfully set the pin mode.