Conference Blob <SDP>

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This component is an implementation of the SDP (Session Description Protocol) conference blob.

This component exports two mandatory interfaces -- ITConferenceBlob to obtain the conference blob in its textual form and ITNotification to maintain synchronization with the aggregating component. It may also support provider-specific interfaces to manipulate the properties programmatically. The SDP has certain global attributes (including user's personal information), connection (bandwidth, address and encryption information) attributes, timing information, generic uninterpreted attributes and one or more media. Each of these attribute sets is exposed by a separate interface, one of which is also exposed by the media component.

Conference Blob <SDP> Interfaces Description
ITConferenceBlob Provides access to specific conference information.
ITSdp Session Description Protocol blob.
ITAttributeList Allows getting and setting of uninterpreted attributes.Allows for access to and setting of attributes (strings).
ITConnection Provides methods to manipulate connection factors such as conference address, scope, bandwidth, etc.
ITNotification Notifies application of changes in conference characteristics.