
The lineRegisterRequestRecipient function registers the invoking application as a recipient of requests for the specified request mode.

LONG lineRegisterRequestRecipient(
  HLINEAPP hLineApp,             
  DWORD dwRegistrationInstance,  
  DWORD dwRequestMode,           
  DWORD bEnable                  


The application's usage handle for the line portion of TAPI.
An application-specific DWORD that is passed back as a parameter of the LINE_REQUEST message. This message notifies the application that a request is pending. This parameter is ignored if bEnable is set to zero. This parameter is examined by TAPI only for registration, not for deregistration. The dwRegistrationInstance value used while deregistering need not match the dwRegistrationInstance used while registering for a request mode.
The type or types of request for which the application registers. One or both bits can be set. This parameter uses the following LINEREQUESTMODE_ constants:
A tapiRequestMakeCall request.
If TRUE, the application registers the specified request modes; if FALSE, the application deregisters for the specified request modes.

Return Values

Returns zero if the request succeeds or a negative error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are:



A telephony-enabled application can request that a call be placed on its behalf by invoking tapiRequestMakeCall. Additionally, other applications can request that information be logged with a given call. The tapiRequestMakeCall requests are queued by TAPI, and the highest priority application that has registered to handle the request is sent a LINE_REQUEST message with an indication of the mode of the request that is pending. This application is typically the user's call-control application.

Next, the call-control application that receives this message invokes lineGetRequest, specifying the request mode and a buffer that is large enough to hold the request. The call-control application then interprets and executes the request.

The recipient application is also automatically deregistered for all requests when it does a lineShutdown.


  Version: Use TAPI version 1.4 and later.
  Header: Declared in tapi.h.
  Import Library: Link with tapi32.lib.

See Also

TAPI Reference Overview, Basic Telephony Services Reference, LINE_REQUEST, lineGetRequest, lineShutdown, tapiRequestMakeCall