The LINEMONITORTONE structure describes a tone to be monitored. This is used as an entry in an array.
typedef struct linemonitortone_tag {
DWORD dwAppSpecific;
DWORD dwDuration;
DWORD dwFrequency1;
DWORD dwFrequency2;
DWORD dwFrequency3;
No extensions.
The LINEMONITORTONE structure defines a tone for the purpose of detection. An array of tones is passed to the lineMonitorTones function which monitors these tones and sends a LINE_MONITORTONE message to the application when a detection is made.
A tone with all frequencies set to zero corresponds to silence. An application can thus monitor the call's information stream for silence.
Version: Use TAPI version 1.4 and later.
Header: Declared in tapi.h.
LINE_MONITORTONE, lineMonitorTones