The following functions are provided only in a generic version without an "A" or "W" suffix.
TAPI Function | Comments |
lineAccept | The memory pointed to by lpsUserUserInfo is presumed to contain binary data for end-to-end transfer. The application must provide data in a form ready for transmission. |
lineAddToConference | |
lineAgentSpecific | The memory pointed to by lpParams is private between the application and agent handler. The application must provide data in the form specified in the agent handler extension definition. |
lineAnswer | The memory pointed to by lpsUserUserInfo is presumed to contain binary data for end-to-end transfer. The application must provide data in a form ready for transmission. |
lineClose | |
lineCompleteCall | |
lineCompleteTransfer | |
lineConfigProvider | |
lineDeallocateCall | |
lineDevSpecific | The memory pointed to by lpParams is private between the application and service provider. The application must provide data in the form specified in the service provider extension definition. |
lineDevSpecificFeature | The memory pointed to by lpParams is private between the application and service provider. The application must provide data in the form specified in the service provider extension definition. |
lineDrop | The memory pointed to by lpsUserUserInfo is presumed to contain binary data for end-to-end transfer. The application must provide data in a form ready for transmission. |
lineGenerateTone | |
lineGetCallStatus | |
lineGetConfRelatedCalls | |
lineGetNewCalls | |
lineGetMessage | |
lineGetNumRings | |
lineGetStatusMessages | |
lineHold | |
lineMonitorDigits | |
lineMonitorMedia | |
lineMonitorTones | |
lineNegotiateAPIVersion | |
lineNegotiateExtVersion | |
lineProxyMessage | |
lineProxyResponse | The fields in the LINEPROXYREQUEST structure are always Unicode. |
lineRegisterRequestRecipient | |
lineReleaseUserUserInfo | |
lineRemoveFromConference | |
lineRemoveProvider | |
lineSecureCall | |
lineSendUserUserInfo | The memory pointed to by lpsUserUserInfo is presumed to contain binary data for end-to-end transfer. The application must provide data in a form ready for transmission. |
lineSetAgentActivity | |
lineSetAgentGroup | Note Group names are ignored. |
lineSetAgentState | |
lineSetAppSpecific | |
lineSetCallData | The memory pointed to by lpCallData is in a format specified by the application or a group of cooperating applications. The format of the data is beyond the scope of TAPI and is not converted by TAPI. |
lineSetCallParams | |
lineSetCallPrivilege | |
lineSetCallQualityOfService | The format of data in the provider-specific portion of the QOS structure is beyond the scope of TAPI and is not converted by TAPI. |
lineSetCallTreatment | |
lineSetCurrentLocation | |
lineSetLineDevStatus | |
lineSetMediaControl | |
lineSetMediaMode | |
lineSetNumRings | |
lineSetStatusMessages | |
lineSetTerminal | |
lineShutdown | |
lineSwapHold | |
lineUncompleteCall | |
lineUnhold | |
phoneClose | |
phoneDevSpecific | The memory pointed to by lpParams is private between the application and service provider. The application must provide data in the form specified in the service provider extension definition. |
phoneGetData | The memory pointed to by lpData is private between the application and service provider. The application must process data in the form specified in the service provider definition. |
phoneGetDisplay | The memory pointed to by lpDisplay is private between the application and service provider. The application must process data in the form specified in the service provider definition. |
phoneGetGain | |
phoneGetHookSwitch | |
phoneGetLamp | |
phoneGetMessage | |
phoneGetRing | |
phoneGetStatusMessages | |
phoneGetVolume | |
phoneNegotiateAPIVersion | |
phoneNegotiateExtVersion | |
phoneOpen | |
phoneSetData | The memory pointed to by lpParams is private between the application and service provider. The application must provide data in the form specified in the service provider definition. |
phoneSetDisplay | The memory pointed to by lpDisplay is private between the application and service provider. The application must provide data in the form specified in the service provider definition. |
phoneSetGain | |
phoneSetHookSwitch | |
phoneSetLamp | |
phoneSetRing | |
phoneSetStatusMessages | |
phoneSetVolume | |
phoneShutdown | |
tapiRequestDrop | This function is obsolete and unavailable to Microsoftฎ Win32ฎ API applications. |
tapiRequestMediaCall | This function is obsolete and unavailable to Microsoft Win32 applications. |