The LINEDEVSTATUSFLAGS_ bit-flag constants describe a collection of BOOLEAN line device status items.

Specify whether the line is connected to TAPI. If TRUE, the line is connected, TAPI is able to operate on the line device. If FALSE, the line is disconnected, and the application is unable to control the line device through TAPI.
Indicate whether the line has a message waiting. If TRUE, a message is waiting; if FALSE, no message is waiting.
Indicate whether the line is in service. If TRUE, the line is in service; if FALSE, the line is out of service.
The bit represented by this value is most often used with line devices associated with cellular phones. Many cellular phones have a security mechanism that requires the entry of a password to enable the phone to place calls. The bit represented by this value may be used to indicate to TAPI and its client applications that the phone is locked and cannot place calls until the password is entered on the user interface of the phone, so that the application can present an appropriate alert to the user.

Not extensible. All 32 bits are reserved.

See Also