Collecting CAP Data

There are three ways to capture CAP profiling data:

Data files are created in the same directory as the application that is being profiled. Data is appended to data files with each write operation. A separate call tree is generated for each thread in the process. Different sections in the data file indicate data for different threads in the process. The following data is written:

You can use the CapStats utility (CAPSTATS.EXE) for parsing and summarizing data stored in .CAP files. CapStats can be used to:

For example, to convert SOL.CAP to SOL.CAB, type:

capstats / sol.cap

To summarize all functions in your file for import into a data processing application, type:

capstats /D > sol.csv

The following samples can be used to get more detail about a particular function:

capstats /C:<funcname>


capstats /T:<funcname> /B:<funcname>.cab

For complete command-line syntax, type:

capstats /?