Finding Files Using WHERE

To locate a file or directory on your local computer or a remote computer, use WHERE.EXE. The following line shows WHERE command-line syntax:

where [/r dir] [/qte] pattern
/r dir
Perform a recursive search, starting with directory dir. If you do not specify dir, where will search the directories specified by the PATH environment variable.
Quiet mode (use exit code to determine the result).
Display size and time.
Display the .EXE type.
The name of the file or directory to locate, which can include wildcard characters (* and ?).

For example, the following command will find all occurrences of FileName on the PATH:

where FileName

The following command will find all occurrences of FileName, searching recursively from the current directory:

where /r . FileName

The following command will find all occurrences of FileName on the specified network share:

where /r \\ServerName\ShareName FileName