Support Programs

There are three programs that work in conjunction with the Microsoft Editor:

These programs work with backup files. When a file is updated and the backup switch is set to undel, the old version of the file is copied to a hidden subdirectory called DELETED. The UNDEL.EXE and EXP.EXE programs manipulate the files in the DELETED subdirectory.

Use UNDEL.EXE to move a file from the DELETED subdirectory to the parent directory. Its command-line syntax is as follows:

undel [filename]

If you do not specify filename, the contents of the DELETED subdirectory are listed. If there is more than one version of the file, you are given a list from which to choose. If the file already exists in the parent directory, the two files are swapped.

Use EXP.EXE to remove all of the files in the hidden DELETED subdirectory of the specified directory. Use the following command-line syntax:

exp [/r] [/q] [directory]

If you do not specify directory, the DELETED subdirectory of the current directory is used. If you specify the /r option, EXP.EXE recursively operates on all subdirectories. The /q option specifies quiet mode; the deleted file names are not displayed on the screen.

Use RM.EXE to move a file to the hidden DELETED subdirectory of the directory containing the file. Use the following command-line syntax:

rm [options] [files]

Where files is a list of files to be moved and options can be one or more of the following:

Delay until next reboot.
Deletes read-only files without prompting.
Inquires for permission before removing files.
Keeps read-only files without prompting.
/r directory
Recurses into subdirectories of the specified directory.
Take ownership of the file if the delete fails.
Do not save deleted files in DELETED subdirectory.