Unable to create destination
Microsoft Windows 32 Resource Compiler (RC) was not able to create the destination file. Make sure that there is enough disk space.
Unbalanced Parentheses
Make sure that you have closed every opening parenthesis in the DIALOG statement.
Unexpected value in RCData
The values for the raw-data parameter in the RCDATA statement must be integers or strings, separated by commas. Make sure that you did not leave out a comma or a quotation mark around a string.
Unexpected value in value data
A statement contained information with a format or size different from the expected value for that parameter.
Unknown DIB header format
The device-independent bitmap (DIB) header is not a BITMAPCOREHEADER or BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.
Unknown Menu SubType
The item-definitions parameter of the MENU statement can contain only MENUITEM and POPUP statements.
Unrecognized VERSIONINFO field; BEGIN or comma expected
The format of the information following a VERSIONINFO statement is incorrect.