The CHECKBOX resource-definition statement creates a check box control. The control is a small rectangle (check box) that has the specified text displayed next to it (typically, to the right). When the user selects the control, the control highlights the rectangle and sends a message to its parent window.
The CHECKBOX statement, which can only be used in a DIALOG statement, defines the text, identifier, dimensions, and attributes of the control.
CHECKBOX text, id, x, y, width, height [, style [, extended-style]]
If you do not specify a style, the default style is BS_CHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP.
For more information on the text, id, x, y, width, height, style, and extended-style parameters, see Common Control Parameters.
This example creates a check-box control that is labeled Italic:
CHECKBOX "Italic", 3, 10, 10, 40, 10