Under Messages, you can select any of the following message types you want Spy to monitor:
Message type | Description |
DDE | Dynamic data exchange (DDE) messages, such as WM_DDE_REQUEST |
Clipboard | Clipboard messages, such as WM_RENDERFORMAT |
Mouse | Mouse messages, such as WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_SETCURSOR |
Non Client | Windows nonclient messages, such as WM_NCDESTROY and WM_NCHITTEST |
Keyboard | Keyboard messages, such as WM_KEYDOWN and WM_ACTIVATE |
Button Control | Button control messages, such as BN_CLICKED and BM_GETCHECK |
Combo Box Control | Combo Box control messages, such as CB_ADDSTRING and CB_LIMITTEXT |
Edit Control | Edit control messages, such as EM_GETSEL and EM_UNDO |
List Box Control | List box control messages, such as LB_GETSEL and LB_GETCARETINDEX |
Static Control | Static control messages, such as STM_GETICON and WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC |
WM_USER | Application-defined messages |
Unknown | Messages other than those explicitly listed |
By default, Spy monitors all messages.