db (Display Bytes)

db [range]

The db command displays the values of the bytes at a given address or in a given range.

The display is in two portions: a hexadecimal display (each byte is shown in hexadecimal format) and an ASCII display (the bytes are shown as ASCII characters). A nonprinting character is denoted by a period (.) in the ASCII portion of the display. Each display line shows 16 bytes, with a hyphen between the eighth and ninth bytes. Each displayed line begins on a 16-byte boundary.

Specifies the block of memory to display. If you omit range, 128 bytes are displayed beginning at the first address after the address displayed by the previous db command.

The following example displays 0Ah bytes of memory, beginning at the specified address:

db CS:100 0A

This example displays lines in a format similar to the following:

04BA:00000100 54 4F 4D 20 53  . . . 45 52 TOM SAWYER

Each line of the display begins with an address, incremented by 10h from the address on the previous line.