DMI Provider

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The WBEM SDK includes a single DMI provider capable of acting as:

A WBEM namespace must be created for each managed node. Each node's namespace resides in the \Default\DmiNodes namespace.

The DMI provider manipulates CIM class definitions. Therefore, the DMI Management Information Format (MIF) Components, Groups, and Attributes map to CIM classes, instances, and properties, respectively. For more information on how this mapping is done, see Mapping DMI to the CIM Schema

With the DMI provider, WBEM applications will be able to perform the following operations:

The MOF file and executables for the DMI Provider are in the WBEM directory.

The software components of the DMI Provider are as follows:

DMI Provider Component Description
WBEMDMIP.DLL Main DMI Provider module responsible for schema translation, communication with WBEM and DMI, and construction of dynamic classes and instances.
WBEMDMIP.MOF Sample MOF file shipped with the DMI Provider describing the DMI node namespace for the local node and registering the DMI Provider with WBEM.
MOTDMIENGINE.OCX ActiveX Control used by the DMI Provider to establish communications and interactions with the DMI Service Providers.
WCDMI.DLL, WCDMIDCE.DLL, and WDMIUTIL.DLL DLL modules used by MOTDMIENGINE.OCX to handle RPC connection and tear down with DMI 2.0 Service Providers on the local and remote nodes.