[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
A subset of the information available about managed objects.
A WBEM Query Language (WQL) statement used to retrieve properties from classes. Unlike SQL, which supports queries across multiple tables, WQL supports only single class queries.
An object provider that is built into the WBEM SDK, as distinguished from third-party or custom providers.
standard schema
A common conceptual framework for organizing and relating the various classes representing the current operational state of a system, network, or application. The standard schema is defined by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) in the Common Information Model (CIM).
static class
A WBEM class whose definition is persistent. The definition is stored in the CIMOM repository until it is explicitly deleted. CIMOM can provide definitions of static classes without the help of a provider. Static classes can support either static or dynamic instances.
static instance
An instance that is persistently stored and remains valid until explicitly deleted, even across system reboots. Static instances are manually placed in the CIMOM repository using IWbemServices::PutInstance or IWbemServices::PutInstanceAsync.
A class that is derived from a superclass by inheritance. The subclass inherits all features of its superclass, but can add new features or redefine existing ones.
A part of a schema owned by a particular organization. The Win32 schema is an example of a subschema.
A CIMOM-defined class that is not part of the CIM. System classes support CIMOM's core features, such as event notification, security, and localization, and are automatically defined in every namespace. As with system properties, system classes are identified by a leading double underscore in their name. All system classes derive from the abstract base class__SystemClass.
system property
One of a set of properties associated with all classes and instances of classes. System properties provide information applicable to every class, such as its name, its derivation, and its namespace. As with system classes, system properties begin with a double underscore to differentiate them from properties created by applications or providers, which cannot start with a single or double underscore. Another way to identify a system property is by using the IWbemClassObject::Get method.