CIM Object Manager (CIMOM) Guide
The CIM Object Manager (CIMOM) provides access to information about objects in the management environment. Through CIMOM, applications can query for and make changes to static information in the CIMOM repository and dynamic information maintained by object providers.
The CIMOM Guide provides discussions of the following core features of CIMOM:
Programming Basics, a collection of topics that should be interest to anyone using the CIMOM programming interface (API).
Event Notification, an architectural description of how CIMOM supports event registration and notification.
WBEM Query Language, a guide to writing WQL queries for information retrieval and event notification.
Security and Authentication, a description of the classes that are used to check the validity of users accessing CIMOM.
Localization Services, a guide to localizing classes, instances, properties, and qualifiers.
Remote Access, a description of CIMOM's approach to providing access remotely across networks.
Implementing a Schema Extension, a guide to creating a custom schema based on the CIM or Win32 schemas.