
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The __ComEventConsumer system class is a registration class for the generic, built-in COM event consumer.

class __ComEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
    string ConsumerClsid;
    string ConsumerName;
    string MachineName;


The COM CLSID of the event handler (implementer of IWbemUnboundObjectSink) that receives events forwarded to the consumer name specified in ConsumerName.
The logical consumer name used to bind the consumer to the query filter. Any unique name string is adequate. It is recommended that the vendor or author, the name, and the version be part of the string:


If not NULL or blank, this represents the remote machine where the consumer lives. Note that this release requires the Microsoft Networks machine name be used (IP addresses and DNS names are not supported).

If NULL or blank, it is assumed that the consumer is installed on the local machine.

See Also
