
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The __Subject system class is an abstract base class used to describe all types of users and groups. No instances of this class are ever created. Rather, instances of the subclasses __User and __Group are created to model users and groups.

class __Subject : __SecurityRelatedClass
    string Description;
    bool EditSecurity = FALSE;
    bool Enabled = FALSE;
    bool ExecuteMethods = FALSE;
    string FullName;
    [key] string Name;
    bool ReadOnly = FALSE;
    bool RemoteAccess = FALSE;


Contains a textual description of the subject (user or group).
If TRUE, the subject is permitted full access to Root\Security, that enables creation, modification, and deletion of security objects, users, groups, and so on. If FALSE, the user has no access to Root\Security.
If TRUE, the subject is considered enabled and active. Setting this to FALSE disables the subject and does not permit a login to occur.
If TRUE, the subject can execute object methods.
The subject's full name.
The subject's name. If the subject is a user, this is the user name. If the subject is a group, this is the group name. The name must be unique. Group names and user names occupy the same scope and may not conflict.
If TRUE, the user is permitted read-only access to the WBEM schema and may not create, modify, or delete objects.
If TRUE, the user is permitted to remotely access CIM Object Manager over the network. If FALSE, the user is permitted only local machine access.