
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The __EventProviderRegistration system class is a class whose instances represent registrations of the various event providers available in the system.

For each provider installed, there must be at least one instance of this class that maps the types of events provided to that provider.

class __EventProviderRegistration : __SystemClass
    string EventQueryList[];    
    string Provider;


A list of WQL queries that specifies the range of events supplied by this event provider. For example, if the array contains the following two strings:

"select * from WidgetEvent",

"select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where "

"TargetInstance isa Win32LogicalDisk"

the provider is supposed to provide all events of type WidgetEvent in addition to __InstanceCreationEvent instances for Win32LogicalDisk objects.

Note that the provider does not supply __InstanceChangeEvents or other kinds of events relating to Win32LogicalDisk instances.

The name of the event provider specified in an instance of __Win32Provider.

See Also

__Win32Provider, Implement an Event Provider