
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The __NotifyStatus system class is a general-purpose class used to report the success or failure of an operation.

class __NotifyStatus : __Event
    sint32 StatusCode;

Whenever an asynchronous method of the IWbemServices interface is called, the client passes an IWbemObjectSink pointer to CIMOM. CIMOM uses this pointer to send results to the client using the IWbemObjectSink::Indicate method. When CIMOM finishes transmitting results back to the client, it transmits a special object, an instance of the __NotifyStatus class, to the IWbemObjectSink::SetStatus method, to indicate completion and to provide an error code if any errors occurred.


Contains the error code for the operation whose completion this object communicates. This can be any user-defined code, but the value zero is usually reserved to indicate a NO ERROR condition or SUCCESS.

See Also
