
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IWbemServices::QueryObjectSink method allows the caller to obtain a notification handler that is exported by CIMOM. This allows the caller to write notifications and events directly to CIMOM. The caller should only write Extrinsic Events to CIMOM. See WBEM Events.

HRESULT IWbemServices::QueryObjectSink(
  [in] Long lFlags,    
  [out] IWbemObjectSink **ppResponseHandler  


Reserved. It must be zero.
Receives the interface pointer to the notification handler. This is set to point to NULL when there is an error. The returned pointer has a positive reference count, and the caller must call Release on the pointer when it is no longer needed. A NULL value can be returned if no notification handler is available. This is not an error.

Return Values

WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED The caller does not have permission to provide notifications to CIMOM.
WBEM_E_FAILED Unspecified error.
WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER An invalid parameter was specified, or the namespace could not be parsed.
WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
WBEM_E_RPC_FAILURE The RPC link between the current process and CIMOM has failed.
WBEM_NO_ERROR The call succeeded.

See Also

WBEM Events, IWbemObjectSink