
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IWbemPropertyProvider::GetProperty method is implemented by a dynamic property provider. It is called by CIMOM whenever a dynamic property value is required. The guidelines below show the method's behavior in response to CIMOM's call.

HRESULT IWbemPropertyProvider::GetProperty(
  [in] Long lFlags,
  [in] BSTR bstrLocale,
  [in] BSTR bstrClassMapping,
  [in] BSTR bstrInstMapping, 
  [in] BSTR bstrPropMapping, 
  [out] VARIANT *pvValue


Reserved. It must be zero.
A string indicating the desired locale in cases where the returned property value can be localized. If the property cannot be localized, the implementation can ignore this value. See Locale Strings.
The class mapping string passed in by CIMOM. This indicates the CIM class for the requested property. This must point to a valid BSTR, which is treated as read-only.
This is a private mapping string that can only be interpreted by the implementation. It is a literal copy of the string value for the INSTANCECONTEXT qualifier for the instance. This must point to a valid BSTR, which is treated as read-only.
The property mapping string passed by CIMOM, which can only be interpreted by the implementation. It is a literal copy of the value of the PROPERTYCONTEXT qualifier for the property. This must point to a valid BSTR, which is treated as read-only.
Points to an uninitialized VARIANT that receives the value for the property. The implementation must call VariantInit and return the value. If an error occurs, the implementation is expected to ignore the pointer.

Return Values

Must return S_OK if the call succeeds. If the call fails, the method must return S_FALSE.

See Also
