
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can use the IEnumWbemClassObject::Skip method to move the current cursor position ahead by a specified number of objects. Also, this affects subsequent calls to NextAsync, but it does not affect pending deliveries begun with NextAsync.

  [in] long lTimeOut,
  [in] ULONGARG nCount


Specifies the maximum amount of time in milliseconds you must wait for the Skip operation to succeed. If you use the Win32® constant INFINITE (0xFFFFFFFF), the call will block until the operation succeeds. If you use the value zero, the call immediately returns with S_OK or S_FALSE. This indicates success or failure.
The number of objects to skip.

Return Values

S_OK The call succeeded, and the cursor position has been updated.
S_FALSE The call failed, and the cursor position is at its position before the call.

A call to the COM function GetErrorInfo provides more information about the error.