
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IWbemQualifierSet::Delete method deletes the specified qualifier by name. If the qualifier is inherited from the parent class, it can be overriden with a new value. In this case, use Delete to delete the new value, which resets the qualifier to the original inherited value.

See Qualifier Flavors.

HRESULT IWbemQualifierSet::Delete(
  [in] BSTR bstrName 


The name of the qualifier to delete. This must be a valid BSTR. The pointer is treated as read-only.

Return Values

WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION Deleting this qualifier is illegal.
WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER The Name parameter was not valid.
WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND The specified qualifier was not found.
WBEM_S_RESET_TO_DEFAULT When deleting an overridden qualifier, this status code (a non-error code) indicates that the local override was deleted, and that the original qualifier from the parent object has resumed scope. A subsequent attempt to get the qualifier will succeed, returning the parent's value.

See Also

Qualifier Flavors