Managed Object Format (MOF) Language

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Managed Object Format (MOF) is a compiled language created by the Destop Management Task Force (DMTF) and based on the Interface Definition Language (IDL). MOF is used to define static or dynamic classes and instances. Classes and instances are defined using ASCII or Unicode text and placed in a file that is submitted to the MOF compiler, Mofcomp.exe. The MOF compiler parses the file and adds the classes and instances defined in the file to the CIM repository.

To submit a MOF file to the compiler, enter the name of the compiler followed by the name of the file:

mofcomp <MOF filename>

The MOF compiler supports a number of options that you can specify with command line switches. For example, the following command line invokes the compiler with a specific namespace, user name, and password:

mofcomp N:root\special U:Joe P:xyz  myfile.mof

For a complete description of the command line syntax for the MOF compiler, see MOF Compiler.

To view the Backus-Naur Form definition for the MOF syntax, see the MOF BNF Syntax appendix.