Quick Reference Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following table shows all supported WBEM ODBC functions. Those functions requiring extensive description have their own topics, as noted in the Description column.

ODBC Function Description
SQLAllocConnect See topic.
SQLAllocEnv See topic.
SQLAllocStmt Modified to support inclusion of table qualifiers.
SQLBindCol Supported.
SQLBindParameter Supported.
SQLCancel Used to cancel a function executing asynchronously on a statement handle that needs data.
SQLColAttributes See topic.
SQLColumns See topic.
SQLConnect The user of SQLConnect must only specify a data source name.
SQLDataSources Implemented in the Driver Manager.
SQLDescribeCol Similar to SQLColumns attributes. Imposes no requirements upon the property qualifiers in the WBEM class objects beyond those specified in SQLColumns.
SQLDisconnect Supported.
SQLDriverConnect See topic.
SQLDrivers Implemented in the Driver Manager.
SQLError See topic.
SQLExecDirect Supported.
SQLExecute Supported.
SQLExtendedFetch Clients usually only need SQLFetch. However, SQLExtendedFetch returns rowset data in array form for each bound column, and it can scroll through the data.
SQLFetch Supported.
SQLFreeConnect Supported.
SQLFreeEnv Supported.
SQLFreeStmt Supported.
SQLGetConnectOption See topic.
SQLGetCursorName See ODBC 2.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide.
SQLGetData See ODBC 2.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide.
SQLGetFunctions See topic.
SQLGetInfo See topic.
SQLGetStatementOption See topic.
SQLGetTypeInfo See topic.
SQLNumResultCols Supported.
SQLParamData Supported.
SQLPrepare Supported.
SQLPutData Supported.
SQLRowCount Supported.
SQLSetConnectOption See SQLGetConnectOption for a discussion of the options and what they mean for the adapter.
SQLSetCursorName Supported.
SQLSetScrollOptions Superseded by SQLSetStmtOption in ODBC 2.0. ODBC 2.0 applications should not call it. ODBC 2.0 Extension Level 2 adapters should implement it for backward compatibility with ODBC 1.0 applications.
SQLSetStmtOption See SQLGetStatementOption .
SQLSpecialColumns Only fColType equal to SQL_BEST_ROWID is supported.
SQLStatistics Supported.
SQLTables See topic.