[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Information Type | Returns |
SQL_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES | 'Y' - SQLProcedures is unsupported. |
SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES | 'Y' - Can select on all tables returned by SQLTables. |
SQL_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS | 0 - Maximum number of active connections that the driver can support (0 means no limit) . |
SQL_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS | 0 - Maximum number of active statements on a given connection (0 means no limit) |
SQL_ALTER_TABLE | 0X0000 - A bitmask indicating how the columns of a table can be altered |
SQL_BOOKMARK_PERSISTENCE | 0x0000 - A bitmask indicating persistence of bookmarks. The adapter does not support bookmarks |
SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS | 'N' - The adapter does not support column aliasing. |
SQL_CONCAT_NULL_BEHAVIOR | SQL_CB_NON_NULL - The result is the concatenation of non-null valued column or columns. |
SQL_CONVERT_XXXXXXXXX | 0X0000 - The adapter does not support the Convert Scalar Function |
SQL_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS | 0X0000 - The adapter does not support the Convert Scalar Functions. |
SQL_CORRELATION_NAME | SQL_CN_ANY - The correlation name can be any user-defined name. |
SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR | SQL_CB_CLOSE - Close cursor after a commit operation. Cursors are unsupported. |
SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR | SQL_CB_CLOSE - Close Cursor after a rollback operation. Cursors are unsupported. |
SQL_DATA_SOURCE_NAME | The data source name. |
SQL_DBMS_NAME | This returns MOServer@ServerName. ServerName is obtained from a standard WBEM class |
SQL_DBMS_VER | This returns the version number of the MO Server. This can be obtained from a standard WBEMclass |
SQL_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support transactions |
SQL_DRIVER_HDBC | Implemented by the Driver Manager. It returns the adapter's connection handle. |
SQL_DRIVER_HENV | Implemented by the Driver Manager. It returns the adapter's environment handle. |
SQL_DRIVER_HLIB | Implemented by the Driver Manager. The library handle returned to the Driver Manager when it loaded the adapter library. |
SQL_DRIVER_HSTMT | Implemented by the Driver Manager. It returns the adapter's statement handle. |
SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VERSION | "02.10.0000" |
SQL_EXPRESSION_IN_ORDERBY | "n" - The adapter does not support expressions in the ORDER BY clause |
SQL_FETCH_DIRECTION | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support cursors. |
SQL_FILE_USAGE | SQL_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED - The adapter is not a single-tier adapter |
SQL_GROUP_BY | SQL_GROUP_BY_NOT_SUPPORTED. The Core SQL Grammar does not require support for GROUP BY. |
SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE | SQL_IC_MIXED - This means identifiers are case insensitive and are stored in the system catalog in mixed case, which is how WBEM treats class and property names. |
SQL_KEYWORDS | "" - No data source-specific keywords |
SQL_LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE | "N" - No escape support for % and _ in a LIKE predicate. |
SQL_LOCK_TYPES | 0x0000 |
SQL_MAX_BINARY_LITERAL_LEN | 0L - No limit on a binary literal in a SQL statement. |
SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN | 0 - no limit. |
SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN GROUP_BY | 0 - No limit. Does not matter, as GROUP BY is not supported. |
SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX | 0 - No limit. Does not matter, as indexes are not supported. |
SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT | 0 - No limit on the number of columns in a select. |
SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE | 0 - No limit on the number of columns in a table. |
SQL_MAXINDEX_SIZE | 0 - No limit |
SQL_MAX_OWNER_NAME_LEN | 0 - No limit |
SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN | 0 - No limit. Does not matter, as the adapter does not support procedures. |
SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE | 0 - No limit. |
SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE_INCLUDES_LONG | "Y" - The maximum row size returned by SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE includes the length of SQL_LONG_VARCHAR and SQL_LONGVARBINARY |
SQL_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN | 0L - No limit on the size of a SQL Statement. |
SQL_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT | 0 - No limit on the number of tables in select statement. |
SQL_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN | Set to 63. |
SQL_MULT_RESULT_SETS | "N" - The adapter does not support multiple result sets. |
SQL_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_TXN | "N" - Does not matter, as transactions are not supported. |
SQL_NEED_LONG_DATA_LEN | "N" - Need to check into this. |
SQL_NULL_COLLATION | SQL_NC_LOW - NULLs are sorted at the low end of a list. |
SQL_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support scalar numeric functions. |
SQL_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE | SQL_OSC_MINIMUM (in spite of not supporting CREATE, and so forth.) |
SQL_ODBC_OPT_IEF | "N" - The adapter does not support Integrity Enhancement Facility. |
SQL_DRIVER_VER | "01.00.0000" |
SQL_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT | "N" - The columns in the ORDER BY clause do not need to be in the select list. |
SQL_OUTER_JOINS | "N" - The data source does not support outer joins |
SQL_OWNER_TERM | "" - This is a character string with the data source vendor's name for an owner. |
SQL_OWNER_USAGE | 0x0000 - The owner is not supported in any statements. |
SQL_POS_OPERATIONS | 0x0000 - Does not have cursors. |
SQL_POSITIONED_STATEMENTS | 0x0000 - Does not have cursors. |
SQL_PROCEDURE_TERM | "" - The adapter does not support procedures. |
SQL_PROCEDURES | "N" - The adapter does not support procedures. |
SQL_QUALIFIER_LOCATION | SQL_QL_START - The qualifier comes first in a qualified table name; for example, we say Wellfleet.TcpConnectionTable, and not TcpConnectionTable.Wellfleet |
SQL_QUALIFIER_TERM | "Namespace" |
SQL_QUALIFIER_USAGE | SQL_QU_DML_STATEMENTS, at least. For example, in all DML statements to allow it in SELECTs. You can use the logical OR with SQL_QU_PROCEDURE_INVOCATION and SQL_QU_TABLE_DEFINITION and SQL_QU_INDEX_DEFINITION, but since the adapter does not support procedures, table creation, or indexes, these items are not relevant. |
SQL_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_CASE | SQL_IC_MIXED - Quoted identifiers are case-insensitive, and are stored in mixed case. |
SQL_ROW_UPDATES | "N" - The adapter does not support scrollable cursors. |
SQL_SCROLL_CONCURRENCY | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support scrollable cursors. |
SQL_SCROLL_OPTIONS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support scrollable cursors. |
SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE | "\" is a search pattern escape character for % and _. |
SQL_SERVER_NAME | "" - Unnecessary |
SQL_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS | "" - This is a string that contains all the special characters (such as characters not in a-z, A-Z, 0-9) that can be included in a table name. |
SQL_STATIC_SENSITIVITY | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support cursors. |
SQL_STRING_FUNCTIONS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support scalar string functions. |
SQL_SUBQUERIES | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support sub-queries in predicates. |
SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support system scalar functions. |
SQL_TABLE_TERM | "Class" |
SQL_TIMEDATE_ADD_INTERVALS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support the TIMESTAMPADD Scalar function. |
SQL_TIMEDATE_DIFF_INTERVALS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support the TIMESTAMPDIFF Scalar function. |
SQL_TIMEDATE_FUNCTIONS | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support the TIMESTAMPXXXX Scalar functions. |
SQL_TXN_CAPABLE | SQL_TC_NONE - The adapter does not support transactions. |
SQL_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTION | 0x0000 - The adapter does not support transactions. |
SQL_UNION | 0x0000 - The Data Source does not support the UNION clause. |
SQL_USER_NAME | "" - Not applicable. |