Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is a standard approach to the management of multivendor and multiplatform systems and networks. Information from a managed environment is supplied by object providers through an object manager to management applications. The WBEM SDK contains the programming interfaces and tools that applications and object providers use to participate in a managed environment.
The Overview to the WBEM SDK documentation includes:
Architectural Overview, a high level description of the WBEM initiative and the components that are part of Microsoft's WBEM technology.
Terms and Concepts, a description of the main terms and concepts that are central to WBEM.
Using the WBEM SDK, a collection of topics that apply to getting started as a developer of a management application, an object provider, or with the WBEM SDK.
Managed Object Format (MOF) Language, a guide to creating classes and instances using this compiled language.