Specifying Dates and Times

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Date, date/time, interval, and time data types are aliases for each other and use the same fixed string format:

Field Size Description
yyyy 4 digits Year
mm 2 digits Month
dd 2 digits Day
HH 2 digits Hour using the 24 hour clock
MM 2 digits Minute
SS 2 digits Second
ssssss 6 digits Microseconds
X 1 character Sign of the GMT offset field. Must be a "+" or "-".
Utc 3 digits Offset from GMT in minutes.

All fields must be of the indicated length, using leading zeros or asterisks as appropriate for the type.

As an example, Wednesday, May 25, 1994, at 1:30:15 PM EDT, would appear as:
