SNMP Component Logging

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following registry key is the parent of all SNMP instance and class provider logging-related information:


The following values are associated with this key:

Value name Data type Description
Type REG_SZ Takes one of the following values:

'File'                Default. Sends debugging output to a file.

'Debugger'        Sends debugging output to the debugger.

File REG_SZ Defines the file name where the debugging output is sent when the logging Type is set to 'File'. The default value is 'c:\wbemsnmp.log'.
Level REG_DWORD Takes integer values from 0 through 2^32-1. The value is a logical mask consisting of 32 bits. The following bit masks are combined to define the type of debugging output generated:


0 SNMP class provider IWbemServices method invocations

1 SNMP class provider implementation

2 SNMP instance provider IWbemServices method invocations

3 SNMP instance provider implementation

4 SNMP class library


6 SNMP correlator

7 SNMP type mapping code