[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The DIWbemServices.CreateInstanceEnum method creates an enumerator that returns the instances of a specified class according to user-specified selection criteria. This method implements a simple query; more complex queries may require the use of DIWbemServices.ExecQuery.
Note that it is not an error for the returned enumerator to have zero elements
[in] Class As String,
[in] lFlags As Long,
[in] pCtx As Object,
[out] ppEnum As Object
) As Long
WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED | The current user does not have permission to view instances of the specified class. |
WBEM_E_FAILED | Unspecified error. |
WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS | The specified class is invalid. |
WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER | An invalid parameter was specified, or the namespace could not be parsed. |
WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY | There was not enough memory to complete the operation. |
WBEM_NO_ERROR | Success. |
For more information on return values see Visual Basic error handeling and return values
Private Sub gather_drive_data()
' This example populates a list box named List1 with instances of
' logical drives using Win32_LogicalDisk.
Dim ppEnum As DIEnumWbemClassObject ' The enumerator
Dim ppObject As DWbemClassObject
Dim pVal As Variant
' Use a custom function named wbem_logon to log on to the
' namespace using Dwbemlocator.ConnectServer.
If wbem_logon <> WBEM_NO_ERROR Then
msgbox("Unable to log on to namespace")
exit sub
' To create an enumeration object for Win32_LogicalDisk use
' DIWbemServices.CreateInstanceEnum.
' lFlags is set to WBEM_FLAG_DEEP to force recursive enumeration
' into all subclasses derived from the specified class.
' ppNamespace is a DIWbemServices type object bound to the
' specified namespace in wbem_logon
ppNamespace.CreateInstanceEnum "Win32_LogicalDisk", WBEM_FLAG_DEEP, Nothing, ppEnum
' ppEnum now contains the enumerator. Next, copy all the instances of ' Win32_LogicalDisk into a listbox using the Next method.
' Pass in the name of the property we want to get the value of.
' Pass in 0 for the other arguments except pval.
' pval receives the actual value of the property
While ppEnum.Next(100, ppObject) <> WBEM_S_FALSE
ppObject.Get "__RELPATH", 0, pVal, 0, 0
List1.AddItem pVal 'Add to the listbox
Set ppEnum = Nothing 'Set the objects back to nothing
End Sub
Error Objects, DIWbemServices.CreateInstanceEnumAsync,DWbemLocator.ConnectServer