
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

CIMOM exports the DIWbemServices interface. Clients use this interface to access WBEM services.


CancelAsyncCall Cancels a currently executing asynchronous call.
CreateClassEnum Creates a class enumerator.
CreateClassEnumAsync Creates a class enumerator that executes asynchronously.
CreateInstanceEnum Creates an instance enumerator.
CreateInstanceEnumAsync Creates an asynchronous instance enumerator.
DeleteClass Deletes a class.
DeleteClassAsync Deletes a class and receives confirmation asynchronously.
DeleteInstance Deletes a particular instance of a class.
DeleteInstanceAsync Deletes an instance and provides confirmation asynchronously.
ExecMethod Executes an object method.
ExecMethodAsync Executes an object method asynchronously.
ExecNotificationQuery Executes a query to receive events.
ExecNotificationQueryAsync Executes a query and asynchronously receives the events.
ExecQuery Executes a query to retrieve instances.
ExecQueryAsync Executes a query and asynchronously returns the instances.
GetObject Retrieves an object, whether an instance or class definition.
GetObjectAsync Asynchronously retrieves an object (an instance or class definition).
OpenNamespace Opens a particular child namespace for operations.
PutClass Creates or updates a class definition.
PutClassAsync Asynchronously creates or updates a class definition.
PutInstance Creates or updates an instance of a particular class.
PutInstanceAsync Asynchronously creates or updates an instance of a particular class.
QueryObjectSink Allows the caller to obtain a notification handler sink.