
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The DWbemClassObject interface contains and manipulates class definitions and class object instances.

From the WBEM client perspective, this interface is always in-process. Put (write) operations only affect the local copy of the object, and Get (read) operations always retrieve values from the local copy. Updates to CIMOM are performed only when entire objects are read or written using methods on the DIWbemServices interface, such as DIWbemServices.PutInstance or DIWbemServices.PutClass.


BeginEnumeration Begins an enumeration of all the properties.
Clone Makes a copy of the current object.
CompareTo Tests two objects for equality.
Delete Removes the specified property from the object.
EndEnumeration Ends an enumeration begun with BeginEnumeration.
Get Gets a particular property value.
GetNames Gets a list of the names of all the properties in the object.
GetObjectText Gets the textual rendition of the object (MOF syntax).
GetPropertyOrigin Reports the class in which a particular property was introduced.
GetPropertyQualifierSet Allows access to the qualifiers of a particular property.
GetQualifierSet Allows access to the qualifier set of the entire object.
InheritsFrom Reports whether the current object inherits from a particular class.
Next Gets the next property in an enumeration after an initial call to BeginEnumeration.
Put Edits or creates a particular property value.
SpawnDerivedClass Creates a new derived class from the current class.
SpawnInstance Creates a new instance from the current class.