How the Migration Process Works
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The Migration Extension Interface is designed to fit into the upgrade process as follows:
A user installs your application on a Windows® 95- or Windows 98-based system. You place your MIGRATE.DLL file (and other associated files) on your distribution media or on the World Wide Web site where the user installed the application.
Sometime later, the user runs the Windows NT® 5.0 Setup program, which prompts the user for the location of the migration DLLs.
Setup locates (via user input) and activates your MIGRATE.DLL, passing it its MIGRATE.INF file.
Your MIGRATE.DLL modifies the MIGRATE.INF file with the relevant information and passes it back to Windows NT Setup.
Windows NT Setup continues its installation process. When it begins the Windows NT portion of the installation, it again contacts your MIGRATE.DLL and passes it the MIGRATE.INF file.
Your MIGRATE.DLL uses the information it wrote into the MIGRATE.INF file and takes the appropriate actions to enable your application to run under Windows NT.