
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

    IN HINF AnswerFileHandle,
    LPVOID Reserved


INF handle to the answer file being used for the upgrade process. This file contains settings generated by Setup, the attending user, and all migration DLLs. You can access the file referenced by this handle using the Setup functions. Do not close this handle at any time.
Reserved for future use.

Return Values

ERROR_SUCCESS if the migration of system-wide settings is successful.

Other error codes will terminate the processing of your migration DLL. However, Windows NT Setup will proceed. Ideally, only critical problems (such as a hardware failure) should generate terminating error codes.

Exceptions generated by your migration DLL cause Setup to report RPC error messages. Setup provides more information in SETUPERR.LOG.


Your migration DLL is responsible for managing its private data created and stored during MigrateSystem9x and processed during MigrateSystemNT.

Your migration DLL must not display user messages in its MigrateSystemNT function.