
The QueryContextAttributes function enables a transport application to query a security package for certain attributes of a security context.

SECURITY_STATUS QueryContextAttributes(
  PCtxtHandle phContext,   // handle of the context to query
  ULONG ulAttribute,   // attribute to query
  PVOID pBuffer        // buffer for attributes


Handle to the context to be queried.
Specifies the attribute of the context to be returned. This parameter can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES Query the sizes of the structures used in the per-message functions. The pBuffer parameter is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_Sizes structure.
SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES Query the name associated with the context. The pBuffer parameter is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_Names structure.
SECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN Query the life span of the context. pBuffer is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_Lifespan structure.
SECPKG_ATTR_DCE_INFO Query for authorization data used by DCE services. pBuffer is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_DceInfo structure.
SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES Query the sizes of the various stream components used in the per-message functions. The pBuffer parameter is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_StreamSizes structure.
SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITY Query the name of the authenticating authority. The pBuffer parameter is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_Authority structure.
SECPKG_ATTR_KEY_INFO Query information about the keys used in a security context. The pBuffer parameter is a pointer to a SecPkgContext_KeyInfo structure.

Pointer to a structure that receives the attributes. The type of structure pointed to depends on the value specified in the ulAttribute parameter.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is SEC_E_OK.

If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code.


The structure pointed to by the pBuffer parameter varies, depending on the attribute being queried. The caller must allocate the structure itself, but the package allocates other pointers that are returned in the structure. Any pointers allocated by the package can be freed by calling the FreeContextBuffer function.

See Also

FreeContextBuffer, SecPkgContext_DceInfo, SecPkgContext_Lifespan, SecPkgContext_Names, SecPkgContext_Sizes, SecPkgContext_StreamSizes