MediaLabelInfo Data Structure

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The MediaLabelInfo data structure adds information to the RSM database. The media label library fills in this data structure for all media labels the library recognizes.

struct MediaLabelInfo
    WCHAR    LabelType[64];
    DWORD    LabelIDSize;
    BYTE     LabelID[256];
    WCHAR    LabelAppDescr[256];


Unicode string that identifies the source of the media label. For example, the LabelType for a Windows NT backup media label is "Microsoft Windows NTBackup".
Number of bytes that are used in the LabelID field.
Unique identifier for the media label.
Unicode string that describes the media. For example, the LabelAppDescr for a Windows NT backup media label is something like "Tape created on 04/14/97".