[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The NTMS_PARTITIONINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to the partition object.

    NTMS_GUID      PhysicalMedia;
    NTMS_GUID      LogicalMedia;
    DWORD          State;
    WORD           Side;
    DWORD          dwOmidLabelIdLength;
    BYTE           OmidLabelId[255];
    TCHAR          szOmidLabelType[64];
    TCHAR          szOmidLabelInfo[256];
    DWORD          dwMountCount;
    DWORD          dwAllocateCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER  Capacity;


Unique physical media identifier for the medium that contains this partition.
Unique logical media identifier for a piece of logical media that contains this partition. This will be a NULL ID if the partition is not allocated.
Partition life cycle information. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
NTMS_PARTSTATE_ALLOCATED The media has been allocated to an application.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_AVAILABLE The media is available to be allocated.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_COMPLETE The media has been completely written and marked as complete by an application.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_DECOMMISIONED The media is unsuitable for data storage and can be decommissioned.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_INCOMPATIBLE The media has been found to be and marked as incompatible with the drive.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_FOREIGN The media is in a foreign pool.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_IMPORT The media is in the import pool.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_UNPREPARED The media is waiting for a scratch label to be applied.
NTMS_PARTSTATE_RESERVED The partition has been reserved by the AllocateNtmsMedia function with the dwOption parameter set to NTMS_ALLOCATE_NEW.

A zero-relative value that identifies the partition property of a piece of physical media. Optical disks that have two sides are represented as having two sides; one in which the Side member equals zero and one in which the Side member equals one.
The length of the label ID string of the on-media identifier.
The label ID unique identifier of the on-media identifier.
A string representing the label type of the on-media identifier.
A string representing the label information of the on-media identifier.
Number of times this media has been mounted into a drive. This is initialized to zero when the objects are created in the database.
Number of times this media has been allocated.
Number bytes of storage available on this partition.


The NTMS_PARTITIONINFORMATION data structure is part of the NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATION structure and is not used separately.


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ntmsapi.h.
  Import Library: Use ntmsapi.lib.