Developing a Media Label Library

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A media label library is a DLL that can interpret the format of a media label written by an RSM application. RSM uses media label libraries to read application media labels and translate the medium's label type and label ID to create an application on-media identifier (OMID). You must develop a media label library for any application that uses a media format that is not supported by RSM. (RSM supports FAT, NTFS, and CDFS for disk media and includes a media label library that identifies NTBackup media.)

To use RSM, your media labels must:

RSM includes two media label libraries: Mll_scr.dll interprets scratch media labels, and Mll_ntbk.dll interprets NTBackup media labels. When RSM reads a media label, it communicates with each registered media label library to find out which application wrote the media label.